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Dynamic Update Option (DUO) for EPIC

EPIC Pricing System™

Keep your Wire, Conduit & Fittings Updated!

EPIC DUO delivers up to 3 dynamic Target and Trade price updates to your computer over the Internet each week. Vision InfoSoft's pricing editor team closely monitors electrical material pricing every day. When our systems detect price movement, we update pricing and you get a DUO update the same day. Now you can have peace of mind knowing that the prices of your most commonly purchased items are always current.

DUO prices are primarily based on actual prices paid by electrical contractors at suppliers.

  • Only $399/year
  • Initial year will be pro-rated according to your existing EPIC Pricing service subscription.
    (e.g. If it is January 1st and your EPIC Pricing expires in April, you will be billed for only 4 months of DUO until your next annual renewal date.
  • You can cancel when you receive your annual EPIC Pricing subscription renewal invoice.

Call us at (800) 258-7752 or complete the webform to signup today and we will bill you.*



How is EPIC DUO different than the EPIC Pricing service?

EPIC Pricing provides weekly** pricing updates and included a database of nearly 2-million electrical items. EPIC Pricing can also be used to add items to your estimating database. All updates are provided over the Internet.

If you add EPIC DUO, you get instant, dynamic pricing updates as they happen. For example, you may get your weekly EPIC Pricing update on Monday. Monday's update includes data from the previous week. Wednesday, our pricing editor team detects a significant shift in wire pricing and pushes a DUO update to all EPIC DUO customers. Your bid that is due on Friday now has the most current pricing available. Submit your bid with confidence.



* DUO is an add-on for your EPIC Pricing service subscription which is required to use DUO.

** Weekly updates is the standard update frequency for EPIC Pricing. Legacy EPIC customers may have alternate update frequencies. If you have a legacy EPIC Pricing subscription, contact us to upgrade to weekly updates and consider adding DUO.

Sign Up for DUO Today

Complete this webform to sign up for EPIC DUO at $375/year. If you have questions first, add them to the comments section, email, or call 800-258-7752.

Please provide your main company phone number.