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EPIC Pricing System™

Plumbing material pricing service & software.

EPIC (Electronic Pricing Information and Catalogs) is your tool for instant, realistic pricing information for over a two million items. The EPIC Pricing System from Vision InfoSoft is the premier pricing service for electrical and plumbing contractors. Available since 1995, the EPIC Pricing System was first developed for electrical contractors and has thousands of subscribers countrywide.

Give us a call at (800) 258-7752 for a live demo.

Plumbing Database

Pricing and descriptions on over 900,000 plumbing items make up the EPIC Pricing material pricing database. Includes rarely used items, common items and new products.

The EPIC Pricing Team

Our in-house pricing and data editing team fight the never ending battle of price fluctuation. They maintain partnerships with manufacturers, suppliers and customers across the nation.  We update over 520,000 items and add over 75,000 items each month.

Software Integration

EPIC updates your estimating and billing software pricing. You'll save time maintaining your pricing.  Minimize the need to rely on one supplier's pricing data.

Trade vs. Target Price

EPIC includes both Trade and Target pricing.  Trade is the "suggested retail" price while Target is an average benchmark price you'd expect to pay at your supplier.

Your Distributor's Pricing

Your local suppliers can provide a "custom price file" (CPF) that can be imported into EPIC.  Use the imported prices and EPIC will fill in any blanks.  You can also compare your supplier's pricing to the EPIC Target Price benchmark.

Bid Database Management

Use EPIC to manage the item database in your estimating software. Add the vendor items your specific business uses on jobs.

Extras For EPIC Pricing System